Taltävling i japanska för svenska
studenter och gymnasister

Lördag, 15 februari 2025, 10:00–17:00,
på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm

Stora specialpriset:
ANA tur- och returbiljett Stockholm–Tokyo (Haneda)

Andra priser:

Första- till tredjepris i gymnasie- respektive studentkategorin.

Hitta till tävlingen

Taltävlingen hålls på Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. Välkomna!


  1. De tävlande måste välja ett av följande talteman:
    • 日本で体験してみたいこと
      Det här vill jag uppleva i Japan
    • スウェーデン語に取り入れたい日本語の表現
      Japanska uttryck jag vill införa i det svenska språket
    • 日本に紹介したいスウェーデン文化
      Svensk kultur jag vill introducera till Japan
  2. De tävlandes kvalifikationer:
    • Studerande på heltid vid en svensk gymnasieskola eller svenskt universitet.
    • Får ej ha japanska som modersmål eller som språk talat i hemmet.
  3. Speech time:
    • Universitetsstudenter: upp till 8 minuter *
    • Gymnasister: upp till 5 minuter *
    * Detta kan ändras beroende på hur många deltagare som anmäls.
  4. Utvärderingen kommer att baseras på faktorer såsom talets innehåll, tävlandens kunskaper i japanska och presentationsteknik.
  5. Annat: Det är tillåtet att ta med ett tryckt utkast till sitt tal och/eller att använda små icke-elektroniska föremål som stödmaterial för sitt tal, till exempel fotografier.

Anmälningsperioden är nu avslutad. Deltagarna kommer att ges ytterligare information innan tävlingen.

Meddelande från en tidigare vinnare

Comment by Ms. Alexandra Reenstierna, Grand Prize Winner of the 8th Japanese Speech Contest for Students in Sweden

It was the second time I participated in this competition, and both experiences were enjoyable and rewarding for my Japanese learning journey. I viewed the competition as a personal challenge to improve my language skills. Comparing my speeches from the first and second years, I noticed a significant difference and felt proud of how much I had progressed. Even now, there are moments when I feel stuck and as if I'm not making progress. However, seeing the clear improvement between my first and second participation reminded me of how far I had come. Although I was nervous both times, the experience ultimately became a way for me to push myself further. Everyone who takes part in this competition is incredibly courageous and determined, and I believe I speak for all participants when I say we wholeheartedly support each other to do our best.

The second time around, I wanted to make my speech stand out by choosing a unique topic. The easiest way for me to do that was by incorporating humor—not in a comedic sense, but by sharing personal anecdotes about my mistakes and experiences in learning Japanese. These were things that native speakers might never have to think about, such as navigating different dialects. Since I learned most of my Japanese in Osaka, I shared stories related to the Kansai dialect. I am deeply grateful for the experience and for all the wonderful people I met during the contest, as well as my parents and friends who came to support me. Although I froze at one point during my speech, I managed to relax when I noticed I had the audience’s attention and heard a few chuckles from the crowd.

Whether I won or not, my primary goal was to challenge myself. That said, I was delighted to win and have the opportunity to visit Japan. My experience with everyone involved in the contest was truly positive. I stayed in Japan for three months, as I didn't have a visa to extend my stay. During this time, I lived with a Japanese family in Toyonaka, a suburb of Osaka.

While there, I studied independently, reconnected with old friends from my exchange semester, and visited local tachinomiya to immerse myself in the Kansai dialect with the help of kind elderly locals. I made new friends and explored more of Japan. In my final week, I took the JLPT exam. Personally, I value local, authentic experiences more than typical tourist activities, and I am grateful to have formed a chosen family in this small part of Osaka.

To anyone considering participating in the competition—I wish you the best of luck! Don’t be afraid; just go for it and challenge yourself. Everyone is focused on their own speech, and no one is there to judge or ridicule. We are all there to support each other.


Sponsorer av den nionde japanska taltävlingen

All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.

Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. Japanska Föreningen i Stockholm Makita Sweden Mitsubishi Corporation Mitsubishi Electric Nakanishi Metal Works Co., Ltd. Ovako Senseair AB Sumitomo Corporation Tamana City, Kumamoto Prefecture Tomoku Hus AB Toyota Material Handling

Ambassadör Lars Vargö


Organisationskommittén för taltävlingen i japanska

  • Tidigare ambassadör för Sverige i Japan
  • Stockholms universitet
  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
  • Handelshögskolan i Stockholm
  • Japanska Föreningen i Stockholm
  • Japanese Business Club
  • Japanska ambassaden i Sverige